• Safety gates are essential in both situations for protecting people’s security and safety, whether youngsters or employees in a workplace. But a search engine can confuse the two.  Google’s search algorithms analyze the user’s query, location, and browsing history to return the most relevant results. When someone searches for the keyword “safety gate,” the algorithm may…

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  • Several areas in any industrial setting pose a risk of accidents and deaths in the workplace. Most building rooftops have raised pipes, ducts, and HVAC machinery blocking the worker’s way. Maintenance workers must enter these facilities from an elevated location and may require safety railings to secure themselves to the structure. A handrail in the…

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  • The importance of security gates for both restricted-access and industrial facilities can’t be denied. The primary role of a security gate is to make sure only authorized personnel gets access to specific sites or buildings. In most cases, industrial-standard gates are installed at the entrances, and only authorized vehicles are given access. In this article,…

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  • Safety is an issue for everyone in industrial and warehouse environments. That’s why so many distributors offer a safety product line, if not make it their core offering. This month, ID is focusing on two prominent safety categories: Eye Protection Eye protection isn’t what it used to be. Safety glasses of yesteryear are bulky, heavy, and largely designed as one-size-fits all for…

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  • If I had a dime for every time a maintenance supervisor asked me this, I’d be rich. The truth is, customized fall protection is not difficult, at least not with an ErectaStep system. And it’s not expensive. My customers can get a customized work platform without the hassle or expense of a custom crossover platform…

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